Snowtig tuts

Water Effect tut

Hair in Back and Front tut
Realistic Doll Body tut
Water Effect tut

Water Effect Tut
Tube of choice
Here is what we will be making

1. Open tube of choice
2. Open canvas 400X400 transperant
3. Find doll body and head of ur choice then Copy Paste as new layer on ur transperant canvas should look like soo

4. Add new raster layer and get ur text tool and make ur foreground and background set to white
5. Now convert to raster layer and duplicate it twice so u have three text layers and should look like soo

6. Adjust>add/remove noise>add noise with the following settings

7. Repeat step 6 for copy of text layer at 70% and for copy(2) of text Layer at 80%
8. Now we are going to put a drop shadow on each text with the following settings:

9. Add new raster layer add ur water mark now toggle off out the following:

10. Merge visible now dupilcate it twice there should now be three
11. Toggle off The following:

merge visible Now merge the copy of text, the copy of merged together then do the last copy of copy merge those visible
12. Now crop ur image and add a white background first i want u to crop it
13. Add new layer flood fill white and arrange send to bottom now toggle off this layer
14. Toggle on all of ur megered imgaes all but ur tube layer and ur background and save as water tut lesson
15.Toggle off all the merged layers and Toggle on your tube layer and your background
16.Get our ur laso tool and select the water and copy and paste as new image
17.Go back to your canvas with ur tube and merge it with the background and save as background for watertut
18.Now go back to the new image u just pasted(the water)and edit copy
19.Open animtion shop and paste as new animation and go to image effects
20. Go to underwater and with the following settings:

21. Click customize. With these settings: sunlight intensity 6 Water depth 4 First wave X=7 Y=12 Second wave X=0 Y=14 third wave X=-15 y=8 forth wave X=14 Y=1 Fifth wave X=-8 Y=14 and then click ok now delete one frame.
22. Open background for water tut tag and go up to here

23. Click twice and make sure u have three frames when ur done if not delete some :)

24. This is where it gets a little hard u have to go to the one u added effects to and hit crtl a and then crtl c and go over to ur background for watertut tag and crtl a and then crtl e then line it up good and view ur animation
25. Crop if needed then u have to go and change the frame propities to 15 or higher
26. Now open up ur water tut lesson crtl a and crtl c and go to ur background water tut tag and crtl a and crtl e and place it where it looks best then veiw it and ur done
Now if u have any question ask thanks
This Tut is result of my playing around in PSP any resemblance to another tut is purely coincidental. Do Not claim as your own. Thanx For doing my tut. Huggers

Delphi Doll U